Friday, April 25, 2008

And the adventure begins......

After Amy's brother and sister in law announced that Baby Sanders was on the way, the pressure was on!
Thus commenced the day counting and temperature taking (not to mention the ovulation tests).
Month One of Attempted Babymaking: No joy.
So the cycle began again for month two, and we waited. The way things were timed, the earliest day a pregnancy test would show positive was on a monday. The preceding friday afternoon when I got home, Amy wanted to watch "Oprah". I think the show was about puppy mills, and it was kind of sad, but Amy erupted in a fit of tears suitable for a funeral! It was at that point that I knew one of two things: Either Amy was losing her mind, or she was preggers. I prayed fervently for the latter.
Sure enough, come test time, the EPT digital flashes "Pregnant".

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